
Customers who purchase the product are responsible for their own use. Please pay attention to the following two laws.

Firearms and Swords Possession Control Act (Firearms and Swords Act)

In principle, weapons that have high lethal power and are originally manufactured, such as swords, are prohibited from being possessed, except for those that have been registered with the appropriate authorities. On the other hand, knives, scissors, and other cutting tools are necessary for work and daily life, so their possession is not generally prohibited. However, carrying such items by hand in public places is prohibited, as it poses a significant risk of causing harm to human life and the body.

Prohibition of carrying knives with a length exceeding 6 centimeters

According to Article 22 of the Firearms and Swords Possession Control Law, carrying knives with blades longer than 6 centimeters is prohibited, except for work or other justifiable reasons. Violators can be fined up to 300,000 yen or imprisoned with work for up to two years.


Cutlery are utensils made of steel or similarly strong materials with a single or double-edged blade, which can cause harm or injury, excluding swords.

What is business

Based on one’s position in social life, using a knife repeatedly is a person’s job, and using a knife is business. For example, a chef might carry a knife in his bag to go to work.

A good reason

A good reason is a socially acceptable justification, such as purchasing a knife from a store and bringing it home, but not for carrying it around in downtown areas for self-defense.

Cutlery mobile

“Cutlery mobile” refers to carrying a knife on your person, either in your hand or attached to your body, for immediate and prolonged use outside of your home or personal space.

Regulations under the Minor Offenses Act (prohibition of concealing weapons)

It is prohibited to conceal and carry knives, iron bars, or any other tools that can cause serious harm to a person’s life, even if the blade length is less than 6 cm. Article 1, Item 2 of the act states that those who do so without justifiable reason may face detention or fines. This regulation applies not only to items covered by the Firearms and Swords Possession Control Law, but also to any other potential weapon. Carrying a concealed knife without a valid reason is strictly forbidden as it could lead to violent crimes such as injury or murder.

Dangerous weapon

Dangerous weapon is any tool or instrument, including objects not originally designed to harm people such as scissors or knives, that can cause injury or death when used in such a manner. Carrying small knives, such as tool or Jutoku knives, as accessories may lead to enforcement action in certain situations.

A valid reason

A valid reason, as per the Firearms and Swords Possession Law, is necessary to carry any potentially dangerous item, including stationery such as scissors and cutter knives. Otherwise, carrying them in a readily usable state may lead to penalties.

Hiding and carrying

It means to keep it in a state where it can be used immediately, such as holding it in your hand or wearing it on your body, in a place other than your home or living room, and keeping it hidden so that it is not visible to others.
(Hiding it in the car could also result in enforcement actions.)

Case study

  1. I packed a survival knife in my car’s sheath before heading to camp.

    However, it’s only allowed to be brought on the day of the move, and using it as an excuse is not acceptable. Criminals often use this excuse and are caught.

    When loading or unloading the car on the move day, ensure the knife is not easily accessible or concealed to avoid violating the Minor Offenses Act.

  2. On the day of the camp, I went to the supermarket to buy ingredients with the knife in the sheath attached to my belt.

    However, carrying a knife in public could result in an arrest for firearm possession. So even though you may consider yourself a camper, people around you may see you as a potential robber with a weapon, even if it’s attached to a rucksack.

    When leaving the campsite, make sure to remove knives and avoid carrying them around to avoid any legal complications.